
🌟 agedre official carrd 🌟

What is age dreaming?

age dreaming, or agedre, is an umbrella term for people who experience a self-induced headspace of feeling younger, behaving childlike, and enjoying childlike aesthetics - it is a term for those who don’t fit under traditional regression terms because age dreaming is not age regression. they are similar, but are different headspaces.to understand agedre, you must first understand that age regression (the sister term to age dreaming) is typically an involuntary coping mechanism or trigger/brain response by individuals who have experienced trauma. regression is usually not controlled by the person who does it, and during such they revert to the mind of a child.

  • agedre is voluntary

  • agedre is not medically caused by anything, but can be used for coping

  • agedre is sometimes an aesthetic

  • agedre is not a change in brain chemistry

  • agedre is ‘playing pretend’ and a controllable experience

  • agedre is for fun and pleasant, and comforting


  • agere is involuntary

  • agere is caused by trauma

  • agere is uncontrollable

  • agere is not an aesthetic

  • agere is a brain literally reverting to a child

  • agere is not playing pretend, it is really someone becoming a child mentally

  • agere is not always comforting, can be scary, can cause loss of memory/time

age dreaming is different in that it is a voluntary, controlled headspace, where one intentionally acts and behaves as a child. this can be for comfort, fun, aesthetics, or even a coping mechanism as well.it is a diverse, individualistic experience, which is different for each person. it may encompass those who go into a child-like headspace for fun, those who act/behave like a child nonsexually, those who’s headspace is both “child” and “adult” (aka not fully ‘regressed’), those who consider themselves to be a child and partake in a lifestyle of reliving childhood, and those who just enjoy the aesthetics and comfort of childish things.both agedre and agere are NONSEXUAL.
agedre is NOT a kink, it is NOT nsfw, it is a safe and harmless fun headspace, like that of a child playing pretend.

Frequently asked questions!

🌟 = question
🌙 = answer

🌟 who can age dream?

🌙 anyone who feels like the term fits them! here is a list of some examples, but it is not limited to these!✧˖° people who voluntarily ‘regress’ and can control their headspace and childlike actions.✧˖° people who ‘regress’ for fun.✧˖° those who enjoy the aesthetic and the act of being small but may not actually regress.✧˖° age regressors who don’t necessarily “regress” because they are always in the headspace of a child and living their lives as a child again and do not have an adult headspace. (there are a few people like this!)✧˖° anyone who feels as though they have a mindset or headspace similar to regression but it is not really regression, or their ‘regression’ fits outside of the definition of what regression is.✧˖° anyone who feels age dreaming fits them because their headspace differs from the ageregression headspace.

🌟 how do i join?

🌙 being a dreamer means a lot of different things. so if you feel like you fit into this term for whatever reason, you are more than welcome to use it! all you have to do to become a dreamer is identify with the label. make sure you follow the tag rules when posting about it on social media, but that’s all there is to it!!

🌟 am i an age dreamer?

🌙 my philosophy is that if you feel you are, you most likely are. i don’t mind helping when i can but it’s not my place to assign you labels! you should figure out for yourself if you feel age dreaming fits you, and if it does, you’re a dreamer!!

🌟 is age dream a specific community?

🌙 NO!! we are not a highly specific community under any branch of anything, this is simply a term describing an experience (think of it the same way as age regression, how it is an umbrella term with many communities under it). we do not have any formal way of ‘joining’, we don’t have rules (except for the crosstagging rules), and we don’t have any official DNI. every age dreamer can set those things for themselves and every age dreamer is different.

🌟 can i be a regressor and a dreamer?

🌙 YES! you are definitely able to be both. why? because they’re different!! when you regress, it’s an involuntary process, but you might find that when you’re not regressed you’d like to age dream because it’s comforting and makes it easier for you to regress safely, or it helps you relax after you regress. whatever it is, you can definitely do both!

🌟 what are the terms/tags?

🌙 all of the following terms may be used as tags:
✧˖° agedre shortened acronym for age dream/ing
✧˖° age dreaming the act/experience of agedre
✧˖° age dreamer a person who experiences age dreaming
✧˖° age dream describing the headspace and/or referring to the experience

🌟 is there a community DNI?

🌙 NO! there is no official dni, because age dreaming is just a coined term, not a community. there are agedre communities that might have specific dni’s and such, but the term itself does not - as long as you’re not associated with kink or nsfw, which is not what agedre is. however, my main blog, @agedre, does have a dni - no nsfw, kink, terfs, racists, homophobes, etc etc.

🌟 what are the rules for your tags?

🌙 our tag rules are pretty simple!✧˖° no crosstagging with kink terms such as cgl, ddlg, and its variants✧˖° no crosstagging with ageplay or petplay✧˖° can be crosstagged with agere and sfw, nonkink tags, communities, and fandoms✧˖° posts must be completely sfw and safe for child headspaces, so no gore, kink, sex, excessive cursing, graphic images or stories, and general nsfw content

🌟 is age dreaming actual dreaming/sleeping?

🌙 NO!! the sleepy time aesthetic is just the one i use because it’s soft and cute and comforting to me, and the term “dreaming” is moreso meant to be like daydreaming - wishing/dreaming to be a child again, daydreaming as a child, that sort of thing. it’s just the aesthetic vibe, that’s all :) it does not happen while you’re asleep lol.

🌟 can i ask you for advice?

🌙 yes of course!! honestly i’m happy to provide any advice and support i possibly can, as well as further explanations to any questions you may have. i have issues with inactivity since i get overwhelmed sometimes, but i’ll try to be as active as i can. keep in mind my inbox is very full so it may take some time to reach you.
🌙 also, before asking me make sure you check out the asks i’ve already answered! you can find them all
➡️ here! (click me)